This video outlines El Haven.
Building El Haven
Most of the materials necessary to build El Haven have been donated and are currently waiting in the container and the storage shed. We still need:
1. Concrete
2. Steel for the roof
3. The Colorbond roof itself
The estimated cost in January 2018 was $450,000. We have been pledged $75,000. So, as of May 2018, we need to raise $350,000. I would love if you could donate $5 to El Haven, and help save babies’ lives. More importantly, I ask you now to multiply yourselves - ask your friends, ask your family. Spread the word! The maths is simple - if 70,000 people donated the price of a cup of coffee, hundreds Vanuatuan babies and mothers can be spared; the babies from death, and the mothers from a lifetime of regret.