Led by an Almighty Hand,
My feet have stood upon that Land
That God directed us to buy
In answer to a babies cry.
Abandoned and alone it lies
In the bush until it dies
But it was not unseen by He
Who gave it life….How could that be?
The mother- abused, shunned and afraid
Has no choice….decision made.
Unsupported, she give birth
And lays that child upon the earth
Maternal instinct holds her there
But, trembling heart, filled with despair
Begging forgiveness, she begins to pray
And then, in anguish, walks away.
We’re all outraged….what can be done?
It must be stopped ,so that not even ONE
More baby should suffer this grisly death.
So I’ll plead for these children while God grants me breath.
There’s hope……there is a woman with a GREAT BIG HEART
And a God given vision a refuge to start,
Where both mother and baby, no longer afraid,
For their MIGHTY DEFENDER has come to their aid.
We’ve secured some land, but the sponsors are few
For it to go forward…we’re counting on YOU
To open your purses, your wallets, your HEART
And ‘El Haven’ will be built if we all play our part.
By Katie Snyder