#6. The Missing Piece of The Puzzle

At about 4:00 am the next morning at the hotel, an urgent knock came on our door. Joseph, Katie’s husband, told us to get up and that we were going to the airport. Dutifully, we all arrived at the airport, checked in our bags and were told to go have a nice day and come back at 4:00 pm for our booked passage to Santo, because  the 7:00 am flight was impossibly overbooked. Under Katie’s quiet insistence, we waited- and prayed. At about 5 to 7, on an overbooked plane that seated about 30 people, 7 seats suddenly became available and we boarded the small plane. Katie now sensed God’s hand. We were suddenly all engaged.

So, on a plane we shouldn’t be on, sitting in seats we were not supposed to occupy, Katie’s seat mate told of a wonderful local woman who had been inspired by God to build -“ an orphanage. “ And the God ordained connection was made.